International Foundation Year in Business and Management

Foundation Year

Business and Management
Science and Engineering

Key facts

Three-term programme

Start: September 2017
Centre: Amsterdam and Groningen

Term 1: 18/09/17 – 15/12/17
Term 2: 02/01/18 – 30/03/18
Term 3: 02/04/18 – 06/07/18
2016/17 Tuition fee: €16,480

Age on entry: 17+

Two-term programme

Start: January 2018
Centre: Groningen

2016/17 Tuition fee: €11,000

Age on entry: 17+

Entry requirements

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Business and Management

과정 안내

International Foundation Year in Business and Management를 통해 7개의 파트너 대학에 개설되어 있는 3년 과정의 경영학 학사 전공 중 하나로 진학합니다.  파트너 대학들의 진학 가능 전공은 모두 영어로 수업이 진행되는 경영학 계열 전공입니다.

파운데이션 과정에서는 단지 대학 입학 뿐만 아니라, 실제 대학에서 학사 과정을 성공적으로 수행할 수 있도록 영어 및 학업 능력을 배양하는 것은 물론, 유럽 대학 수업 환경에 미리 적응할 수 있는 준비 과정을 제공합니다.

코스 모듈 안내:

  • Mathematics
  • Organisations & Behaviour
  • Microeconomics
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Marketing Intelligence
  • European Institutions
  • Personal Development
  • Dutch Language & Culture
  • Study Tools
  • Academic English Skills
  • Academic Writing

어디서 학업하나요?

암스테르담 센터그로닝겐 센터 – 두 센터가 운영되고 있습니다.

3텀으로 구성된 비즈니스 매니지먼트 파운데이션 과정은 네덜란드의 수도 암스테르담의 International Study Centre (ISC)에서 진행되며, 본 파운데이션 과정을 통해 University of Groningen, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg University, University of Twente 그리고 Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences로 진학합니다.

2텀으로 구성된 비즈니스 매니지먼트 파운데이션 과정그로닝겐의 ISC에서 진행되며, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen으로 진학합니다.

Progression universities

암스테르담 센터를 통한 진학 대학/전공

The Hague University of Applied Science
BA International Business & Management Studies

This course is right for you if you want to enter the business world, live an international life, and know everything there is to know about economics, business, marketing, finance and management.

BA International Financial Management & Control

Good international (business) controllers are in demand in today’s 24/7 economy. This course is perfect if you are ambitious, conscientious, a genuine team player, love number crunching and want to work in an international environment.

Tilburg University
BSc International Business Administration

Gain a solid foundation in marketing, management, accounting and finance to pursue a career in an international organisation or to start your own business.

BSc Economics

Understand, analyse and forecast global economic changes and their implication for the performance of organisations.

University of Twente
BSc International Business Administration

This programme gives you the practical and theoretical knowledge of business strategies you’ll need for a successful career in our complex and demanding globalised world.

BSc Creative Technology

The programme combines design, creativity and technology. You will specialise in smart technology (systems, signals, smart environments) or new media (web, games, visualisation). If you like creative processes, this course will give you the opportunity to learn how to create smart ideas and use smart tools to meet user needs.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
BSc Business Analytics

Business Analytics is a multidisciplinary program aimed at solving quantitative business problems. The combination of mathematical, and information technological methods plays an important role in this program, with the ultimate goal to improve and optimise business processes.

BSc International Business Administration

The programme focuses on the professional services industry, the largest and fastest growing sector in Western economies, where high levels of knowledge are required to be competitive. The companies operating in this sector include banks, transport companies, insurers, consultancies, accountancy firms, logistics specialists and e-business providers. Your career prospects upon graduation will be excellent.

Wittenborg University Amsterdam
BBA International Business Administration in Entrepreneurship & Small Business

If you’re interested in starting and running your own business, this programme will develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes you need to be an entrepreneur. The programme is fully packed with business and entrepreneurship projects based on the format used in the well-known BBC series The Apprentice. Modules include Opportunity and Lead Creation, Entrepreneurial Behaviour, Business Start-ups and Business Plans, Bootstrapping & Raising Finance and Sales Pipeline Management.

그로닝겐 센터를 통한 진학 대학/전공

University of Groningen
BSc International Business

Prepare for a management position in an international environment, studying Business Management, Sociology, Economics and Law. With an international focus, this course allows you to study in a different country for one semester.

BSc Economics and Business Economics

Become an economic expert in one of a range of areas, from the environment and global banking to health care and international business. Gain theoretical tools and analytical skills to address complex issues and understand how business experts and policy makers stimulate corporate and economic activity.

BSc Econometrics and Operations Research

Learn to construct mathematical models to analyse economic data so you can calculate the unemployment rates of a country, the Gross National Product, the stock price of a company or the future exchange rate of the Yuan.

Hanze University of Applied Sciences
BA International Business and Management Studies

This programme is available to students studying the two-term International Foundation Year in Business and Management. Upon completion, you will receive a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in one of the following minors (specialisations):

  • International Marketing
  • International Management
  • International Strategy and Business Development
  • International Finance and Accounting

Once you successfully complete the programme, and achieve the required academic grades and IELTS score, you can progress to the first year of your chosen undergraduate business degree.