International Foundation Year in Science and Engineering


Foundation Year

Business and Management
Science and Engineering

Key facts

Three-term programme

Start: September 2017
Centre: Amsterdam and Groningen

Term 1: 18/09/17 – 15/12/17
Term 2: 02/01/18 – 30/03/18
Term 3: 02/04/18 – 06/07/18
2016/17 Tuition fee: €16,480

Age on entry: 17+

Entry requirements

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Science and Engineering

과정 안내

International Foundation Year in Science and Engineering을 통해 파트너 대학에 개설되어 있는 관련 학사 전공 중 하나로 진학합니다.  진학 가능 전공은 모두 영어로 수업이 진행됩니다.

파운데이션 과정에서는 단지 대학 입학 뿐만 아니라, 실제 대학에서 학사 과정을 성공적으로 수행할 수 있도록 영어 및 학업 능력을 배양하는 것은 물론, 유럽 대학 수업 환경에 미리 적응할 수 있는 준비 과정을 제공합니다.

코스 모듈 안내:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Computing
  • Physics

어디서 학업하나요?

International Foundation Year in Science and Engineering 과정은 암스테르담 센터그로닝겐 센터에서 진행되며, 파운데이션 과정을 성공적으로 이수한 후 파트너 대학으로 진학합니다.

파운데이션 후 그로닝겐 대학의 과학 관련 전공(science-related degree at the University of Groningen)으로의 진학을 희망한다면 그로닝겐 센터에서 학업을 하게 됩니다.

그 이외 대학으로의 진학을 희망한다면 암스테르담 센터에서 학업합니다.

파운데이션 과정을 통해 대학에서 요구하는 학업 성적 및 아이엘츠 성적을 달성한다면, 다음의 파트너 대학의 관련 전공으로 진학할 수 있습니다.

Progression universities

암스테르담 센터를 통한 진학 대학/전공

The Hague University of Applied Sciences
BA Process and Food Technology (3 years)

We provide you with the very best preparation for a position in the field of process technology in the food industry or chemical industry. You may find yourself employed by a smaller, socially relevant organisation like Rotie (part of the Simadan Group) or by a career-oriented multinational like Shell.

BEng Industrial Design Engineering (3 years)

There is great demand for people with both specialist design knowledge and the ability to think across borders. As a recent graduate, you will have all the necessary skills to cover this gap in the market. With the ability to bridge research, design processes and entrepreneurship, you are employable in almost every sector.

University of Twente
BSc Advanced Technology

This is a broad technical programme with an eye for societal needs. It is unique as it gives students the opportunity to study several fields of study at the same time. Options include electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, applied physics, chemical engineering, mathematics, and business administration.

BSc Creative Technology

The programme combines design, creativity and technology. You will specialise in smart technology (systems, signals, smart environments) or new media (web, games, visualisation). If you like creative processes, this course will give you the opportunity to learn how to create smart ideas and use smart tools to meet user needs.

BSc Electrical Engineering

This programme will provide you with skills and knowledge that you can apply in nearly all fields of technology (electronics, data storage, communication, energy storage, sensors, control, signal conditioning, robotics and optics). This programme sees students contributing to healthcare, energy and safety projects such as robotic arms, energy-saving batteries and predicting tornados by using small robots.

BSc Technical Computer Science

This course is a challenging science that focuses on information systems, such as computers and the internet. You will explore the interaction between systems and people. You will study the exchange, process and storage of information, underlying the systems in which we use everyday. You will learn the fundamental concepts in this course as well as learning how to apply them in a practical way.

BSc Industrial Design

During this programme you will learn to design or improve products using technical insights, creativity and a feel for consumer behaviour. You will also be able to manufacture your design at a reasonable cost price, must be practical and properly transportable. The course prepares you for all those aspects.

BSc Business & IT

You will learn how to develop advanced IT systems and how to implement them in a company. There is a huge demand for social automation specialists who are proficient in more than technology, therefore the University of Twente prepare you to develop such systems in a way that everyone using it will benefit.

BSc Industrial and Applied Mathematics

This programme will prepare you for numerous career possibilities in the business world, government and in scientific research. You will have learn about the application of knowledge in practical situations. There is a great emphasis at the University on how to develop good, viable solutions for technology and social problems.

BSc Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering at Twente is a technical programme with a focus on management and organisation. This programme focuses on three core themes: construction, traffic and water and water management. Project-led learning is central to this programme and you will work on real-world projects in student teams.

BSc Mechanical Engineering

During this programme you will learn to apply fundamental knowledge in socially relevant solutions. Theory, practice and social impact are central to the programme. In projects you will work to apply the theory you have learned in classes and lectures. For example you might design an energy-efficient ice-skating rink or a garbage-collecting vehicle for festival grounds.

그로닝겐 센터를 통한 진학 대학/전공

University of Groningen
BSc Applied Mathematics

Apply mathematics to practical situations, focusing on calculations in a technical context. Learn how to make simulation models and use them to make predictions.

BSc Applied Physics

Learn how to apply phenomena to technical solutions, focusing on theory as well as practice. Applied physics is used in making many of the products we use in everyday life.

BSc Artificial Intelligence

Focus on human thinking, artificial thinking (by computers and robots) and behaviour in social systems (e.g. group behaviour). Study the underlying processes in order to predict or simulate behaviour as you learn how to develop ‘intelligent’ and user-friendly products.

BSc Astronomy

Study the universe, stars and planets and the physical processes involved in their formation. Undertaking astronomy research since 1883, Groningen astronomers have been involved in projects relating to the Herschel space telescope and the LOFAR network of radio telescopes.

BSc Chemical Engineering

Get involved in the development and production processes used in introducing new products. Chemical engineering is concerned not so much with the ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ of chemical reactions, but with seeking ways to apply them on a large scale.

BSc Chemistry

Prepare for a career in business, healthcare, environmental inspection or education. Chemistry examines molecules and how they interact, sharing common ground with many other science subjects, such as physics, mathematics, astronomy and biology.

BSc Computing Science

Gain knowledge and skills that can be put to practical use across a wide range of sectors and disciplines. Learn to design, improve and implement software and computer systems for multiple purposes, from business to social media.

BSc Industrial Engineering and Management

Learn to tackle projects from the perspective of the technology as well as the organisation. Focus on research and analysis, translating new technologies into useable solutions.

BSc Mathematics

Mathematics is used all around us from decoding satellite images to calculating the dosage of a medicine. It is all about insight, logic and abstract thinking. Develop a theoretical base for solving current issues.

BSc Physics

Study a science concerned with hard figures and precise and pure measurements, enabling you to produce models and explain natural phenomena. By making models and formulating natural laws, it is possible to describe and predict the natural world.